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What’s The Big Idea

Message Text: Gen 3, Lev 16, Heb 9, Rom 5

What’s The Big Idea

Bro. Ryan Manieri – Shiloh Baptist Church – Morning Worship Service

Message Texts: Gen 3, Lev 16, Heb 9, Rom 5

  1. Cursed: We are all born under a curse, which leads to death if unbroken
    1. Sin affects all of creation, not just the one who commits the sin.
    2. Further exploration: Federal headship, original sin, depravity
  2. Atonement: Sin must be dealt with in order to have a right relationship with God
    1. Mosaic Covenant (Imperfect): Imperfect copies marred by sin.  The High Priest, The Tent of Meeting, The Holy Place, The Altar
    2. New Covenant (Perfect): Jesus is the High Priest.  His sacrifice is offered once for all.  He offered Himself on the altar.  His blood is sufficient for all who are called.
    3. Further exploration: Expiation, Curse motif, Passive Obedience
  3. Justice: The Law must be fulfilled
    1. Transgression
    2. Obedience
    3. Further exploration: Imputation, Active Obedience, Substitutionary Atonement
  4. Salvation: Jesus is our only hope
    1. Further exploration: Adoption, Forgiveness, Born Again, Justification, Eternal Security